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Join Thevendri for virtual zoom yoga classes in the comfort of your home!

Thevendri draws from a tradition of yoga called Akhanda which means “whole and indivisible”. All yoga classes are structured systematically yet artfully to align the physical, energetic, mental, emotional and intuitive self.

Each class experience the five Akhanda principles of mindful movement, breath work, sound work, meditation and yogic wisdom.

Class Schedule

“Evening yoga with Theven

is one of the only things that has truly helped my insomnia.”

— Manju, 40

Class Levels


Our beginner program starts from the very basics.

Thevendri will gently guide you through yoga postures focusing on stability and alignment to ensure you move safely through each pose. You will be introduced to the Akhanda yoga style and principles which will set the foundation for your practice.

Guided breath techniques will anchor you into the present moment. Accumulate a full range of yoga tools, wisdom and principles for a more joyful life.


Our intermediate program introduces students to new breath techniques, themes and mantras as we go deeper into our practice.

Thevendri will guide you through a more personalized practice. An increased focus on stillness using the Akhanda themes and mantras will take your practice to the next level.

Our intermediate program will allow students to build rapport with Thevendri as you go on this transformational journey together through yoga.

Group Yoga Rates

All prices include HST.


Half hour class - $13.56

Full 1 hour class - $22.60

Multi Class Package

Recommended for those joining us for the beginner or intermediate 5-week program

300 minutes/5hours - $73.45

600 minutes/10hours - $113

This package can be used for all group class types and lengths.

Private Yoga Rates

All prices include HST.

Individual Class

Half hour class - $22.60

Full 1 hour class - $42.95

300 minutes/5hours - $180.80

600 minutes/10hours - $322.10

Family Class

Half hour class - $45.20

Full 1 hour class - $85.90

300 minutes/5hours - $361.60

600 minutes/10hours - $644.25

Class Styles

Akhanda Foundations 1

Akhanda 1 classes offer a moderate sequence of the most familiar and accessible postures and breathing techniques which can be enjoyed by both beginning and continuing students. The classes introduce the basic principles of alignment, breath, sound, yogic wisdom and relaxation. Yogic phrases will be introduced as themes to thread a guiding message through the class. You will come away with tools to help you move with greater ease, and use breath both to uplift and calm your whole system.

Akhanda Foundations 2

Akhanda 2 is designed to inspire intermediate students through more dynamic asana, pranayama, and mantra themes. These techniques work together to deepen your exploration of body mechanics and inner alignment, uplift your energy system and refresh your outlook. You will become more aware of how sequences balance the chakras and the solar and lunar energies of the body. Mantras and yogic aphorisms are used as themes through the classes and anchor the final Meditation.

Akhanda Foundations 3

Akhanda 3, sometimes referred to as Akhanda Flow, provides unique and dynamic sequences woven through the sun salutation. As all Akhanda practices are balanced, the intensity of strong, uplifting asana at the beginning of a class are mirrored by surrendering, grounding postures at the resolution. Classes also further explore the bandhas and breath retention for the direction and expansion of prana. Mantras and yogic aphorisms are used as themes that run through the classes and anchor the final meditation.

Five Koshas

Yogrishi Vishvketu designed this profound class style in 2005. Five Koshas classes explore and deepen your connection to the five layers of being, physical, energetic, mental/emotional, intuitive and pure awareness. By repeating a short sequence three times, these classes focus on individual layers, gradually bringing your awareness inside and allowing you to go deeper and deeper until all that remains is bliss.

Inner Reprogramming

Inner Reprogramming is a new class style designed by Yogrishi Vishvketu to help release anxiety and stress, and to re-align the whole being. In this practice, movements are slowed to help you drop into the moment and focus closely on harmonizing breath with movement. Culminating with alternate-nostril breathing, this approach calms the body and mind drawing you into a naturally clear, meditative state.


Hatha-Raja is another very special class style developed by Yogrishi Vishvketu in 2003. Classes offer a sequence of moderate postures practiced in a slow and mindful way in conjunction with Bhramaree Pranayama (honey-bee breath) and conclude with a natural meditation. Performing Bhramaree during postures helps to lengthen the breath and releases stress at a cellular level. The postures chosen influence the pineal and pituitary glands of the brain, which balances the hormonal system and calms and uplifts the mind, bringing you more easily into meditation.

Classical Kundalini (to be announced)

Classical Kundalini is a truly unique style developed by Yogi Vishvketu in 2003 to initiate students into Tantra Yoga. Classes focus on the subtle energy systems of the body and work to balance the solar and lunar channels. They feature asana, oscillating movements, Tantric and Vedic Bija mantras, chakra visualizations and dynamic pranayama techniques to clear the energy passageways and the chakras, aligning you with cosmic prana. You will come away with great clarity, vitality and peace.


Pranayama balances and expands the field of our life force. The breath is our main source of life energy, and it is through breathing techniques we can gain incredible vitality, upliftment, and also clarity. In this class, you will learn more about techniques, such as Anuloma Viloma, Kapalabhati, Solar and Lunar breathing and Bhramaree, each with their own unique benefits ranging from calming to cleansing and energizing. Gain more confidence to include pranayama in your home practice and feel the joyful expansion!

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, or “yogic sleep” is a meditative practice that brings students into a state of complete relaxation between waking and sleeping. The Akhanda approach to Yoga Nidra directs your awareness to each part of the body, alternating right and left, through the medium of the thirdeye. This balances the hemispheres of the brain and cultivates intuition. Setting an intention enhances the practice and assists in manifests deep wishes and purifying outmoded habits. Yoga Nidra is extremely beneficial for anyone suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia or alienation

Yin/Yoga Nidra:

Join Thevendri for a relaxing surrendering class with a focus on healing. This practice begins with kapalabhati and movement in all directions followed by several longer passive holds. We will focus on deep breathwork as we take time to release and embrace the healing energy of ourselves. Enjoy this total body meditation which is a great way to prepare the body and mind for sleep. Both beginner and intermediate levels of this class are available.

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